who are THEY

I am thinking since quite a while to publish this, but i never dared to do so. Even if i first discovered this conspiracy 5 years ago I knew i have to be careful. Who will believe me? I still have no clue who THEY are. In this Blog i want to share my experience and hope to discover the identity of THEY or i guess in this sentence THEM. So piece by piece i will reveal what i have discovered so far. Even if I don't know who THEY are, I at least discovered a great deal of what THEY are doing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

2009 to clone or not to clone

Some time has passed since I wrote the last entry. I had to hide and while I was doing so I discovered more. I went deep into THEIR den and came out with eyes wide open. Since I discovered the truth about the elephants (or is it the truth about the mammoths?) I had one big question in my mind. WHY??? Why would any sane person or group of persons do that? They can't even see the outcome of this doing in their lifetime. In the Old Testament of the bible some people lived up to 1000 years...but I don't want to assume that THEY have supernatural powers. THEY have money and power, but I don't think THEY are some kind of superhuman! At least not until I have proof for THEM being unnatural long living beings! My mind is still circling around this question. It took me a long time to find out why THEY did this elephant-mammoth disguise. Again I don't want to reveal everything at once. I think my approach to feed you piece by piece is the best. It also keeps THEM longer in the dark about what I know.
First we have to look at what we know. Its not much. A group of people prepares the world for the return of the mammoth. If you sum it up...that's it...
To understand why, we have to look closer on how THEY did it. The part we are looking at this time is the cloning. Why do THEY pretend to clone them when in reality THEY do something much simpler.
Well let's go back to the world's most famous sheep, Dolly! THEY cloned a sheep. Am I the only person who is suspicious about that? THEY cloned an animal, but it is one where all of its kind are kinda lookalike? People count sheep to fall asleep because they are boring and all look the same...I am sure that if you are a sheep farmer you can see the difference, but dolly was a baby and its clone-mother was grown up. Very convenient for THEM. It would be easy to fake the DNA tests and blood samples. What I am trying to say is: THEY never cloned anything. Cloning is a lie! THEY just need this cloning to have a way to explain how those mammoths can come back after their extinction. Otherwise people would know that there is a group of people who disguised mammoths as elephants. THEY would have left a more visible trace to be seen.
Maybe some of you remember that I said that the opponents of cloning are not necessarily opponents of THEM. This is the proof that they are actually both on the same side. We have people who supposedly cloned something and we have another group that complains so loud that nobody dares to clone anything else again. This way it's easier to hide that we are just not that far yet.

I keep cover
You keep reading!

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