who are THEY

I am thinking since quite a while to publish this, but i never dared to do so. Even if i first discovered this conspiracy 5 years ago I knew i have to be careful. Who will believe me? I still have no clue who THEY are. In this Blog i want to share my experience and hope to discover the identity of THEY or i guess in this sentence THEM. So piece by piece i will reveal what i have discovered so far. Even if I don't know who THEY are, I at least discovered a great deal of what THEY are doing.

Monday, June 29, 2009

1800 Africa, the final frontier or Mr Cleans secret fetish

I knew at what time frame I had to research, but it still took me quite a while till I found why THEY wanted so many elephants to die. By this point it was quite clear that it was just the African elephant that had to fear extinction.The Indian elephant was better off. So my focus was on Africa. Last time I mentioned Hannibal. He started his journey in Africa before he fought the Romans. That was were his elephants were from. But that was 2000 years earlier. What happened in the 19 century in Africa?
I looked at changing borders. I looked at political changes. I just couldn't find anything that would bring light into all of this mess. But I couldn't believe that this ruthless killing was just a coincidence. As it turned out, I was right. There were a few things I found out...
Africa was, till this point, mainly just a black spot on the maps of nearly all country's. Nobody in Europe seemed to know what was going on behind the Sahara and the closest coastlines. But soon expeditions were send, and more and more of this mysterious continent was discovered.
Europe was busy fighting Napoleon, but soon enough the race for the African continent should begin. Everybody wanted a piece of that cake. Lots of resources and in European eyes primitive people made it just the perfect place to have a colony.
Around 1830 photography was finally so advanced that there was a common use for it. Since the Newspaper had its breakthrough in this century too it was just a matter of time till pictures from all around the world would be presented to the masses. A mass of people coming through Africa either to conquer it or to explore and they will take pictures to show what they discovered or conquered. The only conclusion I could come up with was: THEY didn't want the people to see elephants! But that didn't make any sense. Elephants were nothing new. King Louis XIV already had Elephants at his castle 200 years earlier. Alexander had to fight them in India when he tried to conquer the world and beat the Persians. I could tell lots of other examples, but this is not supposed to be a history lesson about elephants. Since hundreds of years people in Europe have seen elephants! Even without having seen Africa. But since African elephants are not extinct, people were still able to see them in their natural habitat. Just not as many of them as there were before. Again, I couldn't find the reason to kill all the elephants. While I thought I was going mad, because I hit one dead end after another, I finally got the right idea. I was looking for the wrong thing. THEY never intended to kill all the elephants. An organization as mighty as THEY would have succeeded in doing so. It was always part of the plan to just thin out the numbers of the African elephants. THEY might have killed thousands of elephants, but in 1989 suddenly THEY did everything to protect exactly the same animal. In this year the worldwide trade of ivory got forbidden. The world can't agree on stopping to hunt whales. Lots of countries don't care about their co2 output. Human are violating earth as long as they make a profit with it, but everybody suddenly agrees that the poor elephants have to be saved? The only reason why it was possible to have an agreement of this size was that THEY were behind it. A small amount of elephants is certainly easier to be controlled but controlled for what reason?
It was time to visit the Zoo.
This time I tried to find out what differs the elephant from other Animals. I just planned to have a quick look at everything. Not to detailed. Maybe I could notice something easily to see and I also just needed a nice relaxing day looking at some animals. The outcome was:
The elephant is the biggest animal on land. Compared to other mammals it is relatively hairless. There also is the hippopotamus. It lives in the water, so just like whales, it doesn't have hair. Makes sense to me. There is the rhinoceros. Its easy to believe that hair has a problem to grew through this rough armored skin. All the other big animals are covered in fur. Elephants usually have their own trainer. And there are a lot of psychological problems discovered they suffer from. They are known that they are going on rampages. They sometimes think that they are human and they are sometimes in love with their trainers, so they don't let them leave. There are recorded cases when elephants were trampling over their trainers to prevent them from leaving. Not noticing that they are a lot stronger and bigger than their big love.So it is actually quite a neurotic animal. I had to think of Hannibal again. Sorry to repeat it again...
This man made animals going over the snowy mountains of Europe that are living in the heat of Africa. He couldn't feed them enough since even his men were dying from hunger and he had to deal with their neurotic rampages. Either this man was a miracle worker or he wasn't dealing with the same animal at all! His elephant trainers must have been unbelievably better than the ones we have these days. Not many animals need as much attention as an elephant.
Elephants seem to be very dirty animals too. I watched one being cleaned by someone with a hose, and when it was done they brought it out of eyesight from the people for"further cleaning. That was after it had cleaned itself. I didn't notice many other animals which have to be cleaned additionally by humans at my visit in the zoo.
Like so often, this simple discovery, all in the open for everybody, is the reason for a lot of things. The psychological problems of the elephant, why THEY killed them, and also why THEY saved the elephants later is all connected to them being cleaned by humans.
Another step is done through the labyrinth of THEIR plan. We are just one step away from discovering THEIR goal.
Till then

I keep cover
you keep reading

218 B.C. -2002 the Mammoth, The Elefant and a glimpse at the ugly

So we discovered the last times that there is something wrong about cloning. But we actually don't know what. THEY cloned a sheep. And THEY used the hype of a movie to make it more popular.
Doesn't sounds very evil, doesn't it? It seems to be not more than a commercial. Commercials are annoying, sometimes funny, sometimes informative, but i never saw one that was truly evil. Well we will see later. I promise, there will be bloodshed.

The first hint that made me really aware of the conspiracy came 2002. Did you guess it, it was another movie that finally brought me on the right track. The movie was called Ice Age.
It's an animated movie about some animals from the ice age. They have a funny adventure rescuing a human baby. One of the big stars in this movie is a mammoth. I saw this movie and knew right away, it has to do with THEM. After I realized that this movie had the third best opening for an animated movie, I was sure that I just witnessed another step of THEIR plan.

But what is so special about a mammoth? Well...they have something in common with dinosaurs, they are extinct! At least that was what I could come up with, at that point. So first THEY show the whole world that cloning is possible and how horrifying Dinosaurs are. Now THEY are presenting another animal, long dead. One that is furry and cute...and rescues a human baby.
Its so easy to see, THEY are planing the comeback of the mammoth. And what a comeback it would be. Mammoth are supposed to be extinct since 4500 years! I would love to pet the fur of a mammoth, and i am sure so do millions of other humans!I loved that idea, and I really hoped that I was right about it! But there were still a couple of pieces missing till I could be sure about that. THEY hadn't found a mosquito in amber with mammoth DNA yet...wouldn't work that way anyway, i know...

I knew I would have a few years till THEY do THEIR next step in the plan.
My curiosity was wide awake. What should I do all the time. I tried to find out what THEIR next step would look like. Research! Were to start? I read a bit about mammoths, but I soon realized that there is no point in doing that. There was just no information that was worth anything. I thought how THEY would clone them, so I looked at the closer family of the mammoth, the elephants.

Historically elephants played their part throughout history. One of the most famous ones are when the General Hannibal took 37 elephants over the Alps to fight the Romans. They couldn't stop him for more than 10 years.
Wait a minute. He brought elephants over the Alps? The Alps...he had to fight snow and ice. He lost more than half of his men on this trip due to the cold and hunger. African elephants were supposed to make that trip without any problems? I have to confess, up to this point I haven't been to Africa. But from all I knew its a very hot place. I knew that the average elephant hasn't seen snow in its whole life. How can animals like that survive ice while most humans were dying, and I dont even want to know how they found food for them? Questions I couldn't answer. I had to put this miracle aside and went on through history.
Its not possible to read about elephants and not at least have a glimpse at the topic of ivory.
Ivory was always very valuable. Till the dark ages, the ivory of the narwhal was one of the most expensive things in Europe. But suddenly there was a change. People didn't wanted the ivory of the whale...they wanted the ivory of elephants. This nearly led to their extinction.
1850, there was a city in Germany where you could learn ivory carvery. The city's name is Erbach and was also known under the Name Ivorytown. Wikipedia states that alone in 1831 there were 4000 elephants to be killed, just for the supply of great Britain.

There was an elephant homicide going on. But why came it so suddenly. It dawned in me that there might be the hands of THEM involved. I was highly confused...why do THEY want to kill elephants...and why do THEY want to clone their ancestors? I was sure there must be another clue hidden in history. Something I haven't noticed yet. Well when it is about elephants the time around 1830-1850 seems to be important. That's basically when their homicide started.

That's what we will do next time. Again we are a step closer to discover the truth.

I keep cover
you keep reading

Friday, June 12, 2009

1997, Dinos, sheeps and blood

It's about time to get to THEIR next part of the plan. I have to hurry up, otherwise THEY will have executed it before i could tell you about it. But still, there are enough reasons to give you the information piece by piece. I just have to hope, that there is enough time for me to pass everything on to you.
It took them 4 more years to make THEIR next move. Or at least to make the next one I noticed. In the year 1997 there were two important happenings which played well together for THEIR plan and are essential for it's final success.
The sequel of Jurassic Park was about to be played in cinemas. Jurassic Park was up to this point still the most successful movie ever, so there were many people who couldn't wait for it to be shown. Again this movie, like is prequel, existed for 2 reasons.
1: It was supposed to bring cloning back into the thoughts of the people.
2: The second one was simpler...even THEY need money to fulfill THEIR plans.

So even before the movie was actually played in Cinemas everyone remembered the first movie and it's cloned Dinosaurs. The whole marketing was running since quite a while. But before the actual movie came out, THEY made THEIR next move.
The world was quite fascinated about it. In February 1997 it was announced that someone had cloned a Sheep. The most popular sheep of the world: Dolly. Everyone before that date was sure we are not able to clone mammals yet. It was well known that we are not advanced enough. Suddenly there was this sheep. They cloned dolly from a cell. So that's the secret...not just blood from a mosquito sealed in amber, you need a body cell...The lie connected to the first Jurassic Park movie became unimportant.
Dolly survived till 2003, but she did her job. She convinced the world that cloning was possible, and humans are able to do it. So after this convincing was done both. Dolly and Jurassic Park weren't needed any longer. You think its just a coincidence that in the end of the same year Jurassic Park wasn't the most successful movie any longer? Titanic was number one now and sank not only by itself, it also sank the Dinosaurs.
The feeling i had when i watched Jurassic Park 1 came back. Something is wrong here...but it took some more years till i realized what was going on. By now THEY are done with dinosaurs and sheep...Humans know that cloning is possible. People want THEIR pets cloned these days...but there are a lot of organizations who are fighting against it. Especially when it is about cloning a Human.

Are those organizations part of an opposition to THEM? I wish it would be that simple.
This was the next piece in the puzzle. I will try to get back to you as soon as it is save to write more.
THEY are out there, and you can't trust anyone.

till next time I keep cover
you keep reading

Thursday, June 11, 2009

1993, the first encounter

Yes i know i wrote i know whats going on since five years. So why go all the way back to 1993?
But like all big things, their shadows are cast a long time beforehand.
At this time I didn't know that I was witnessing quite an important step in THEIR conspiracy. I wasn't very special though, millions of other people saw it to...
I am talking about the movie Jurassic Park. I was pretty young and was, like most of the viewers stunned by the Dinosaurs and how realistic they looked. It was the most successful movie ever played till 1998.
I didn't care that the method of getting DNA with a mosquito sealed in amber was pure fiction and not possible. I didn't care, but it confused me. They tried to be scientific, so why bother with something wrong?

The same reason we get thought stuff in school which is wrong (i.e. chemistry and the model of an atom) THEY don't think we would understand the truth. But don't get ahead of me! I am not saying some people cloned Dinosaurs!
The Movie clearly was made for two reasons...one was entertainment, and the other reason was to make people accept that there is something like cloning.
This is actually done quite often. To make someone aware of something, we are telling them a lie! Since it was a movie the people accepted that there was a true core somewhere in the movie. So the spark of believe in cloning transformed into a little fire.

Were is the conspiracy in that? Well all in good time.
It was the first time I got aware that something is happening, it wasn't the first step in THIER plan though. THIER plans are usually working and developing over decades, sometimes century's. Most of the time they sound wicked and weird. That's why many conspiracy-theorists are usually sound like they are nuts. Even that is part of THIER plans.

Its to early for me to reveal even just this single plan, or i will be stamped as just another maniac. Soon I will give you the next step in the plan and then you will be closer to understand what THEY are doing...