who are THEY

I am thinking since quite a while to publish this, but i never dared to do so. Even if i first discovered this conspiracy 5 years ago I knew i have to be careful. Who will believe me? I still have no clue who THEY are. In this Blog i want to share my experience and hope to discover the identity of THEY or i guess in this sentence THEM. So piece by piece i will reveal what i have discovered so far. Even if I don't know who THEY are, I at least discovered a great deal of what THEY are doing.

Friday, June 12, 2009

1997, Dinos, sheeps and blood

It's about time to get to THEIR next part of the plan. I have to hurry up, otherwise THEY will have executed it before i could tell you about it. But still, there are enough reasons to give you the information piece by piece. I just have to hope, that there is enough time for me to pass everything on to you.
It took them 4 more years to make THEIR next move. Or at least to make the next one I noticed. In the year 1997 there were two important happenings which played well together for THEIR plan and are essential for it's final success.
The sequel of Jurassic Park was about to be played in cinemas. Jurassic Park was up to this point still the most successful movie ever, so there were many people who couldn't wait for it to be shown. Again this movie, like is prequel, existed for 2 reasons.
1: It was supposed to bring cloning back into the thoughts of the people.
2: The second one was simpler...even THEY need money to fulfill THEIR plans.

So even before the movie was actually played in Cinemas everyone remembered the first movie and it's cloned Dinosaurs. The whole marketing was running since quite a while. But before the actual movie came out, THEY made THEIR next move.
The world was quite fascinated about it. In February 1997 it was announced that someone had cloned a Sheep. The most popular sheep of the world: Dolly. Everyone before that date was sure we are not able to clone mammals yet. It was well known that we are not advanced enough. Suddenly there was this sheep. They cloned dolly from a cell. So that's the secret...not just blood from a mosquito sealed in amber, you need a body cell...The lie connected to the first Jurassic Park movie became unimportant.
Dolly survived till 2003, but she did her job. She convinced the world that cloning was possible, and humans are able to do it. So after this convincing was done both. Dolly and Jurassic Park weren't needed any longer. You think its just a coincidence that in the end of the same year Jurassic Park wasn't the most successful movie any longer? Titanic was number one now and sank not only by itself, it also sank the Dinosaurs.
The feeling i had when i watched Jurassic Park 1 came back. Something is wrong here...but it took some more years till i realized what was going on. By now THEY are done with dinosaurs and sheep...Humans know that cloning is possible. People want THEIR pets cloned these days...but there are a lot of organizations who are fighting against it. Especially when it is about cloning a Human.

Are those organizations part of an opposition to THEM? I wish it would be that simple.
This was the next piece in the puzzle. I will try to get back to you as soon as it is save to write more.
THEY are out there, and you can't trust anyone.

till next time I keep cover
you keep reading


  1. THEY had quite a nice plan to announce to the world that cloning is eventually going to be a reality.

  2. oh believe me...its way more than that...this is just the tip of the iceberg...
    I try to write more as soon as possible
